Faculty & Staff
It is our ministry as Catholic educators to embody the faith in everything we do. We model and teach children to form a personal relationship with Jesus and build a foundation for lifelong learning and discipleship. Meet our talented and dedicated faculty and staff:
"P" indicates the faculty member is the parent of a current student or a graduated alumni.
Mrs. Chrissie Ashby Principal cashby@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Kathi Trimble Assistant Principal ktrimble@stjoeschool.org P'18, P'20, P'23
Click teacher's name to access website
Mrs. Colleen Bates PKA cbates@stjoeschool.org P'22, P'26
Mrs. Lorraine Williams PKB lwilliams@stjoeschool.org P '11, P'15, P'17
Mrs. Jolene Sosnowski KA Early Childhood Area Leaderjsosnowski@stjoeschool.org P'06, P'13
Ms. Jaclyn Soldinger KB Math Department Leaderjsoldinger@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Amber Donnelly 1A adonnelly@stjoeschool.org P'28, P'30
Ms. Heather Spilker 1B hspilker@stjoeschool.org P'28, P'31
Mrs. Becky Bennett 2A Social Studies Department Leaderbbennett@stjoeschool.org P'09
Mrs. Amy Thomas 2B Primary Area Leaderathomas@stjoeschool.org P'22
Mrs. Robin Isom 3A risom@stjoeschool.org P'09
Mrs. Jennifer Pappathanasiou 3B jpappas@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Lisa Bolyard 4A lbolyard@stjoeschool.org P'26, P'29, P'33
Ms. Kristin Urbanski 4B Intermediate Area Leaderkurbanski@stjoeschool.org c/o 2002
Miss Grace Baltimore 5A Religion Department Leadergbaltimore@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Andrea Gracey 5B agracey@stjoeschool.org P'25, P'25
Mrs. Kimberly Lastner 6A Middle School Area Leaderklastner@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Lisa Mallonee 6B lmallonee@stjoeschool.org
Ms. Jen Breuder 7A jbreuder@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Karla Foreman 7B kforeman@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Stephanie Collins 8A Science Department Leaderscollins@stjoeschool.org P'08, P'13
Ms. Carla Johnson 8B cjohnson@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Karen Ellis Math & Religion kellis@stjoeschool.org P'15, P'17, P'20, P'22
Mrs. Richelle Arnold Math rarnold@stjoeschool.org P'22, P'25
Mrs. Ashley Harman Language Arts/Reading Resource ELA Department Leaderaharman@stjoeschool.org P'26
Mrs. Noel Hasty Spanish & Math nhasty@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Julie Hirsch Music & Computer Special Area Leaderjhirsch@stjoeschool.org
Mr. William (Bill) Toole Physical Education wtoole@stjoeschool.org
Ms. Darcy Bromley Art dbromley@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Maria Starcher Technology mstarcher@stjoeschool.org P'28
Mr. Matt Llufrio STEM mllufrio@stjoeschool.org
Instructional Assistants
Mrs. Amanda KeatingPKA akeating@stjoeschool.org P'25, P'28, P'30
Mrs. Donna VisalliPKB dvisalli@stjoeschool.org P'10, P'12
Mr. Jim EmmingerKA jemminger@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Jaclyn MolinoKB jmolino@stjoeschool.org P'27, P'31
Mrs. Brianna Hennigan1A bhennigan@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Shauna Bullard1B sbullard@stjoeschool.org P'26, P'27
Mrs. Erin Sipes2A esipes@stjoeschool.org P'21, P'23
Mrs. Lucy Steck2B lsteck@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. April Pac3rd Grade apac@stjoeschool.org P'25, P'29
Miss Ally Westfall4th & 5th Grades awestfall@stjoeschool.org c/o 2011
Mrs. Karen Ellis Middle School kellis@stjoeschool.org P'15, P'17, P'20, P'22
Administrative Staff
Mrs. Teresa McGuireOffice Manager/FACTS Coordinator tmcguire@stjoeschool.org P'06, P'08, P'12
Mrs. Cindy ChristyAdministrative Assistant & VIRTUS Coordinator cchristy@stjoeschool.org P'14, P'22, P'22
Mrs. Maria StarcherTechnology Director mstarcher@stjoeschool.org P'28
Mrs. Angie CornoDirector of Admissions acorno@stjoeschool.org P'26
Mrs. Jessica HarringtonDirector of Marketing & Advancement jharrington@stjoeschool.org P'28, P'30
Ms. Sue MaldonadoBusiness Manager smaldonado@stjoeschool.org
Mrs. Mary KonopackiSchool Nurse mkonopacki@stjoeschool.org P'23, P'25
Mrs. Grace Dushatinski School Counselor gdushatinski@stjoeschool.org P'32, P'35
Mr. Wes OsmentInstrumental Music Program stjosephband@comcast.net
Mr. Tony BarajasCustodian abarajas@stjoeschool.org