Faith at St. Joseph School - Fullerton
At St. Joseph School, our Catholic faith is integrated into the daily lives of our students and infused into all curriculum areas. Each morning begins with video announcements and prayer. Grace is said before meals in every classroom. Non-Catholic students participate to the fullest extent possible.
The St. Joseph School community attends Mass weekly. Religion class is part of the daily curriculum. We guide our students as they grow into young adults and form and cultivate their relationships with God.
Service - Students of all ages participate in Service opportunities. We feel a responsibility and consider it an obligation to serve others in our community and our world. Food drives, clothing drives, and collections are taken throughout the year to help those in need.
Liturgy & Sacraments - Weekly Mass, Mass on Holy Days of Obligation, and prayer services provide opportunities to strengthen our relationship with God throughout the school year. We also prepare our students and celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Read more about our Liturgy & Sacraments.

Prayer & Retreats – Students and faculty participate in Prayer & Retreats. We thank and ask God’s help many times throughout our school day, including at the beginning of each day, prior to meals, and at the start of most classes. We celebrate Mass together weekly and at Holy Days of Obligation and other special occasions.
Prayer Buddies – Celebrating our faith is a community experience here at SJS-Fullerton. To further cultivate a faith-filled community, students are paired as Prayer Buddies at the beginning of each school year. Prayer Buddies are paired by grade levels and sit together at weekly Mass as well as collaborate on fun activities throughout the year. It's an opportunity for our older students to set and lead by example for our younger students. Pairings include PK & 8th Grade, Kindergarten & 7th Grade, 1st & 4th Grades, 2nd & 5th Grades, and 3rd & 6th Grades.